Tejano History


Tejanos |

Tejas was founded in 1690. Texas is not english for Tejas as it is spelled both ways in Spanish. The first boots on the ground in Texas were from soldier setterlers from New Spain, not Mexico. Tejano is Spanish for Texan.

Tejanos built the first roads, towns and ranches in Texas. They also formed the first civil governments, laws and ranching economy. Lastly, Tejanos created the first society, religion and culture in Texas. Also, the fact that they were so far removed from the rest of New Spain, made them truly independent and self reliant.

For almost seven generations or almost one hundred and forty years, prior to the creation of the Republic of Mexico, Tejanos had left a rich legacy and heritage that long defined the Lone Star State. Additionally, Tejanos existed one hundred and fifty years before the Battle of the Alamo.

All in all, Tejanos are descendants of the first Spanish, Mexican and Indigenous family on the Texas frontier since the late 1600’s. Unfortunately, very little has been published, taught and or communicated about Tejanos. Therefore, we at Texas Tejano.com are proud to lead the way to re envision Texas  history. It was once said that, the story of Texas can never be complete without the story of Tejanos being told!